As we continue to monitor the developments of the approaching Winter Storm, the safety and well-being of our employees and participants remain our top priority. Pine Castle will close on Wednesday, January 22, and reopen on Thursday, January 23, providing updates as necessary. If you have any concerns or need additional support, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Let’s Get Active

Whether it’s a field trip or taking part in an on-campus program. Pine Castle participants stay busy. Check out the activities calendar to stay up to date.

Explore More of the Caregiver Portal

Monthly Café Menu

The Gary & Nancy Chartrand Café offers a variety of healthy meal selections.

Menus Coming Soon


Providing a safe and healthy environment for Pine Castle participant is a top priority. Caregivers can locate our trusted providers and additional information under the resource page.

“Through the grace of God and my friends at Pine
Castle, I determine my path. I am called the ‘Mayor of
Pine Castle’s because I try to be an inspiration to
everyone around me every day.”

Thriving Participant

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