Ways To Give

Every gift to Pine Castle matters and is greatly appreciated. Donations help support our mission and advance our efforts to offer educational programs and additional connections to the community for our participants.

How You Can Give Back

Giving is based on your needs. You can give at any level that works for your budget and goals and change your gift at any time.

One Time Donation

Every gift to Pine Castle matters and is greatly appreciated by each and every one of us. Donations to our Annual Fund help support our mission and advance our efforts to offer educational programs and additional connections to the community for our participants.  


Friends of Pine Castle

Being a Friend of Pine Castle means you donate a monthly gift to support the mission and vision of this amazing organization. Your commitment will allow us to plan activities and programming that enhances the lives of our participants.

The Benefits:

Monthly digital newsletter

  • Help provide programming opportunities for participants
  • Hassel-free monthly contributions
  • Invitation to a Pine Castle Experience Tour
  • Three exclusive invitations for yearly special programming
Jill and Percy

Inspirations Society

Founded in 2015, the Inspirations Society was created to give individuals an opportunity to pledge a minimum of $1,000 a year (or $83.33/month) for five years. Since we don’t hold large fundraising events, all multi-year, unrestricted gifts help create sustainability within the organization. We believe in meaningful relationships where donors can ensure their dollars are being invested directly into programs and not events.

The Benefits:

Monthly digital newsletter

  • Help provide sustainability and security for our future
  • Invitation to annual donor appreciation reception
  • Exclusive invitations to activities and special events
  • Monthly digital newsletter updates
  • End-of-year statement for your tax records

Download the Inspirations Society Pledge Form

Pine Castle

Evergreen Legacy Society

The Evergreen Legacy Society honors those who have designated Pine Castle in their estate plans. Naming Pine Castle in your will or trust allows you to provide for the future of our organization while maintaining control of your current assets.

To learn more about our legacy society and how members can help Pine Castle create enduring support for our programs and those we serve visit: Pine Castle – Evergreen Legacy Society

Flag Raising

Gifts of Stock

Gifts of stock and bonds are welcomed at Pine Castle, however, these gifts require special planning and consultation with your professional financial advisor and our Pine Castle staff. We recommend that donors who decide to make a gift of stock contact the Development Team at development@pinecastle.org or (904) 733-2650 ext. 282.

Stock Donation PDF

Matching Gifts

If your firm or company offers a gift matching program, you are credited with the entire contribution. Many companies even match gifts made by board members or retirees. Contact your company’s Human Resource Department for information.

Charitable IRA Rollover

The IRA Charitable Rollover allows individuals 70½ or older to make a tax-free rollover using funds transferred directly from their IRA.

To learn more, click here.

In Honor/Memory of

To make a donation in memory of or in honor of a loved one, click here. In the comment box on the form, please include whether the donation is in honor of or in memory of, along with the name of the honoree. Don’t forget to fill out the name and address of the person you would like for us to notify about your generous donation. The amount of your donation will not be revealed to the recipient in the notification letter.

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